1949 to 1980s
- March 1949Held the inaugural meeting of the Korea Federation of Shipping Associations
- September 1949Approval of establishment of Korea Federation of Shipping Associations (Minister of Transportation)
Established the Korea Federation of Shipping Associations (10-unit associations)
- July 1958Implemented the mutual-aid (deduction) ship project
- July 1960Implemented the mutual-aid (deduction) passenger project
- March 1962Held the inaugural meeting of the KSA (Korea Shipping Association)
- July 1962Approval of establishment of Korea Shipping Association and approval of inauguration of executives (Ministry of Transportation)
Registered in Seoul District Court to establish Korea Shipping Association
- November 1969Promulgated the amendment of the enforcement decree of the Korea Shipping Association Act
(Presidential Decree No. 4286)
- January 1973Started safety management business of passenger ships (17 people)
- January 1974Implemented the mutual-aid seaman project
- January 1976Started supplying duty-free oil to all coastal passenger ships
- March 1978Started Busan Port Passenger Terminal Management
- February 1980Started Jeju Port No. 2 Passenger Terminal Management
- March 1980Started Mokpo Port passenger Terminal Management
- September 1980Acquisition and operation of Seogwipo Port Passenger Terminal
1981 to 2000s
- August 1985Relocation of the Association to Yangpyeong-dong Building
- November 1991Established Labor Union
- May 1998Launched the Protection and Indemnity (P&I) business for shipowners
- May 2000Construction and relocation of Association's new Deungchon-dong building
2001 to 2010s
- April 2001Acquired ISO 9001: 2000 / KSA 9001: 2001 Certification
- June 2002Acquired Document of Compliance (DOC)
- May 2003Selected as the best government-affiliated organization (by Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries)
- December 2003Exceeded more than 10 million coastal passenger transport
- June 2005Expanded the mutual-aid (deduction) claim network to Southeast Asia
- October 2005Opened the inter-Korean Maritime Transport Support Center / Established the Seaman Wage Claim Guarantee Fund
- February 2006Opened Legal Support Center
- July 2008Completed the construction of the mutual-aid (deduction) system for next-generation
- November 2008Operation of Marine Insurance School
After 2011
- January 2012Operated directly by the Association of the computerized ticketing system for coastal passenger ships
- April 2015Earned the status of a UK Government P&I designated insurer
- January 2016Conducted the mutual-aid (deduction) shipbuilding project
- January 2017Newly established Busan Regional Headquarters and reorganized the Association
- April 2018Inaugurated the 21st Chairman, Byung-kyu Lim